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 3DSMeshReaderMesh reader that loads external 3ds (.3ds) files into the document by reference
 3DelightRenderManEngineProvides render integration with 3Delight,
 ActionScriptExecutes a script on-demand
 AddColorAttributeAdds a color attribute to a mesh component, primarily for testing purposes.
 AddColorAttributesAdds an color attribute to every table in a mesh, primarily for testing purposes.
 AddIndexAttributesAdds an integer 'index' attribute to every table in a mesh, primarily for testing purposes.
 AddPointAttributesCopies point coordinates to the relevant attribute tables in a mesh, primarily for testing purposes.
 AirRenderManEngineProvides render integration with AIR,
 AnimationTrackDoubleDoubleStores a series of keyframes for an animation, using 'double' as time and value
 AnimationTrackDoubleMatrix4Stores a series of keyframes for an animation, using 'double' as time type and 'matrix4' as value
 AnnotateNormalDisplays a normal
 AnnotationDisplays text annotations in the 3D document, primarily for documentation / tutorials
 Annotation2DDisplays 2D text annotations, primarily for documentation / tutorials
 Annotation3DDisplays text annotations in the 3D document, primarily for documentation / tutorials
 AqsisRenderManEngineProvides render integration with Aqsis,
 AxesConfigurable set of axes to help in visualizing the 3D workspace
 BMRTRenderManEngineProvides render integration with BMRT, may it rest in peace.
 BendPointsBends mesh points around an axis
 BevelPointsBevels a surface at each selected point
 BicubicToPolyPolygonizes bicubic patches
 BitmapAddAdd value to each pixel color component
 BitmapCheckerGenerates a checker-pattern bitmap
 BitmapColorMonochromeMake any image black and white
 BitmapGammaApply gamma value to each pixel
 BitmapInvertInverts a bitmap
 BitmapMatteColorDiffCreate alpha channel using color difference
 BitmapMatteInvertInverts a bitmap's alpha channel
 BitmapModifierScriptBitmap modifier that uses a script to modify an input bitmap
 BitmapMultiplyMultiply value of each pixel
 BitmapPerceptualDifferenceCalculate a perceptual difference metric between two bitmap images
 BitmapReaderLoads a bitmap from the filesystem
 BitmapSolidGenerates a solid-color bitmap
 BitmapSourceScriptBitmap source that uses a script to generate images
 BitmapSubtractSubtract value from each pixel
 BitmapThresholdCut off chanels at a certain value
 BlobbyAddCombines blobbies using the Addition operator.
 BlobbyDivideCombines blobbies using the Division operator.
 BlobbyEllipsoidCreates a RenderMan Blobby Ellipsoid
 BlobbyMaximumCombines blobbies using the Maximum operator.
 BlobbyMinimumCombines blobbies using the Minimum operator.
 BlobbyMultiplyCombines blobbies using the Multiplication operator.
 BlobbyNegateCombines blobbies using the Negation operator.
 BlobbySegmentCreates a blobby containing a single segment primitive
 BlobbySubtractCombines blobbies using the Subtraction operator.
 BridgeEdgesCreates new polygons bridging two sets of connected border edges
 BridgeFacesCreates new polygons forming a bridge between two selected polygons
 BulgePointsBulges mesh points around a point
 CGALBoolean3D mesh boolean operations
 CalculateNormalsCalculates a variety of polygon normals
 CapHolesCaps (fills) holes in a polyhedron
 CatmullClarkGenerates a Catmull-Clark subdivision mesh
 CenterPointsCenters mesh points around the origin
 ClothSimulationCloth simulation (currently for grids only)
 CollapseEdgesFor each selected edge, collapses its two vertices into one
 CollapseFacesFor each selected face, collapses its vertices to the centroid
 CollapsePointsMerge selected points into one point, positioned at the average position of the selected points.
 ColorSourceScriptColor source that uses a script to create the output value
 CompizCheckWarns users that the Compiz window manager may interfere with OpenGL rendering in K-3D
 ConnectVerticesCreates edges between selected vertices
 CylindricalWavePointsApplies a wave function to points along an axis
 DeformationExpressionDisplace a mesh using functional expressions in x, y, and z.
 DeleteComponentsDeletes selected faces, edges and vertices
 DissolveFacesMerges adjacent faces into a single large face.
 DoubleAddAdd two double inputs and produce their sum as output
 DoubleDivideDivide two double inputs and produce their quotient as output
 DoubleExpressionCalculates a C-style expression, returning a double value as output
 DoubleModuloModulo two double inputs and produce their remainder as output
 DoubleMultiplyMultiply two double inputs and produce their product as output
 DoubleSineApplies a sine function to its input
 DoubleSourceScriptData source that uses a script to create a k3d::double_t output value
 DoubleSubtractSubtract two double inputs and produce their difference as output
 DoubleToStringConverts a double to a string using printf() style double_to_stringting
 EXRBitmapImporterOpenEXR (*.exr)
 EdgesToBlobbyConverts input edges to segment blobbies
 ExtrudeFacesExtrudes selected faces along their normals
 FaceToPointSelectionsSelects the points belonging to selected faces
 FileMagicMIMETypeHandlerIdentifies a file's MIME Type based on filename extensions
 FlipOrientationReverses the orientation of selected polygons and bicubic or bilinear patches
 FrozenMatrixStores an arbitrary transformation matrix
 FrozenMeshFreezes its input for manual editing
 GTSMeshAreaCalculates input mesh area
 GTSMeshReaderMesh reader that reads external GNU Triangulated Surface (.gts) files
 GTSMeshVolumeCalculates input mesh volume
 GnomeMIMETypeHandlerIdentifies a file's MIME Type using the Gnome API
 GnomeURIHandlerOpens a URI using the Gnome libraries
 GraphVizEngineGraphViz Render Engine
 GraphVizMeshWriterMesh writer that saves meshes as GraphViz (.dot) files
 GrowSelectionGrows the selection to include adjacent vertices, edges and faces
 ImageMagickBitmapImporterImageMagick Formats ( many )
 IndigoBackgroundIndigo Background
 IndigoDiffuseMaterialIndigo Diffuse Material
 IndigoEngineIndigo Render Engine
 IndigoRectangleLightIndigo Rectangle Light
 IndigoSkylightIndigo Skylight
 InotifyFileChangeNotifierMonitors files for changes, using the Linux inotify system
 Int32SourceScriptUses a script to generate an output k3d::int32_t value.
 InterpolatorDoubleDoubleLinearLinearly interpolates double values to a double time source
 InterpolatorDoubleMatrix4LinearLinearly interpolates matrix4 values to a double time source
 JPEGBitmapImporterJPEG (*.jpeg)
 JPEGBitmapReaderLoads a JPEG (*.jpeg) bitmap from the filesystem
 JPEGBitmapWriterBitmap writer that saves JPEG (*.jpg) files
 K3DDocumentExporterK-3D Native ( .k3d )
 K3DDocumentImporterK-3D Native ( .k3d )
 K3DMeshReaderMesh reader that loads external K-3D XML (.k3d) files
 K3DMeshWriterMesh writer that saves K-3D XML (.k3d) files
 LSystemParserGenerates an L-System object from a configuration file
 LeastSquaresPlotAproximates points with a surface given a set of equations.
 LinearKnotGenerates a PQ-knot curve
 LinearLissajousCurveGenerates a lissajous (sine-wave) curve
 LinearPointNoiseApplies a linear noise offset to mesh points
 LinearWavePointsApplies a wave function to points along an axis
 LuxRenderBilinearInterpolationTextureLuxRender Bilinear Interpolation Texture
 LuxRenderCarpaintMaterialLuxRender Carpaint Material
 LuxRenderDistantLightLuxRender Distant Light
 LuxRenderEngineLuxRender Render Engine
 LuxRenderEnvironmentLightLuxRender EnvironmentLight
 LuxRenderGlassMaterialLuxRender Glass Material
 LuxRenderGlossyMaterialLuxRender Glossy Material
 LuxRenderGoniometricLightLuxRender Goniometric Light
 LuxRenderImageTextureLuxRender Image Texture
 LuxRenderMatteMaterialLuxRender Matte Material
 LuxRenderMatteTranslucentMaterialLuxRender Matte Translucent Material
 LuxRenderMetalMaterialLuxRender Metal Material
 LuxRenderMirrorMaterialLuxRender Mirror Material
 LuxRenderMixMaterialLuxRender Mix Material
 LuxRenderNullMaterialLuxRender Null Material
 LuxRenderPointLightLuxRender Point Light
 LuxRenderRoughGlassMaterialLuxRender Rough Glass Material
 LuxRenderScalarImageTextureLuxRender Scalar Image Texture
 LuxRenderShinyMetalMaterialLuxRender Shiny Metal Material
 LuxRenderSkyLightLuxRender SkyLight
 LuxRenderSunLightLuxRender SunLight
 MD2MeshReaderReader that loads external MD2 (.md2) files into the document by reference
 MakeCurveSelectionConverts primitive selections to curve selections.
 MakeEdgeSelectionConverts primitive selections to edge selections.
 MakeFaceSelectionConverts primitive selections to face selections.
 MakePatchSelectionConverts point selections to patch selections.
 MakePointSelectionConverts primitive selections to point selections.
 MakeSDSConverts input polyhedra to SDS surfaces
 ManualTimeSourceProvides a time source for a K-3D document
 MatrixInverseComputes the inverse of a matrix.
 MatrixLookCreates a transformation matrix that looks from one to another.
 MatrixModifierScriptMatrix modifier that uses a script to modify a transformation matrix
 MatrixOrientationCreates an orientation transform matrix
 MatrixPositionCreates a position transform matrix
 MatrixScaleCreates a scale transform matrix
 MatrixSourceScriptMatrix source that uses a script to create the output value
 MatrixViewGenerates a viewing matrix from a position, a look vector, and an up vector
 MergeCollinearEdgesMerges edges that are collinear, up to a threshold
 MergeCoplanarFacesMerges faces that are coplanar, up to a given threshold
 MergeMeshMerges two meshes into one
 MeshArray1DMakes copies of a mesh along one dimension
 MeshArray2DMakes copies of a mesh along two dimensions
 MeshArray3DMakes copies of a mesh along three dimensions
 MeshInstanceRenders an instance of a geometric mesh
 MeshModifierScriptMesh modifier that uses a script to modify geometry
 MeshSelectionApplies a selection to a mesh.
 MeshSourceScriptMesh source that uses a script to create geometry
 MeshToStdoutPrints mesh information to stdout
 MetaObjectScriptScripted node that acts as a meta-object (provides dynamic runtime execution of arbitrary commands).
 MorphPointsApplies morph to different targets, interpolating between target and source position
 MoveFirstEdgeChanges the first edge for selected polygons
 NGUINext Generation User Interface (NGUI)
 NGUIAboutDialogDisplays the current K-3D version and credits contributors
 NGUIAnimationTimelinePanelProvides a panel for manipulating the current animation time
 NGUIAssignHotkeysDialogProvides a user-interface for assigning menu hotkeys.
 NGUIKnotVectorControlProvides a custom property control for NURBS knot vectors.
 NGUILearningDialogDisplays a menu containing sample documents
 NGUILogDialogDisplays the contents of the K-3D log
 NGUIMeshControlProvides a standard control for mesh properties.
 NGUIMorphPointsPageProvides a custom property page for the MorphPoints modifier.
 NGUINodeListPanelDisplays the document nodes as a flat list
 NGUINodePropertiesPanelDisplays properties for one node
 NGUIOpenGLDialogDisplays information about the OpenGL implementation.
 NGUIParentToolProvides interactive controls for reparenting nodes.
 NGUIPipelinePanelDisplays the visualization pipeline
 NGUIPipelineProfilerPanelProvides a panel for profiling execution of the visualization pipeline
 NGUIPythonShellDialogProvides an interactive Python shell window
 NGUIRectangleControlProvides a custom property control for k3d::rectangle properties.
 NGUIRenderRegionToolProvides interactive controls for cropped rendering.
 NGUISelectionControlProvides a standard control for selection properties.
 NGUISnapToolProvides interactive controls for 'snapping' nodes.
 NGUITextEditorDialogProvides a general-purpose dialog for editing source-code, text, scripts, and shaders.
 NGUITimelinePanelProvides a panel for manipulating the current time
 NGUIToolPropertiesPanelDisplays tool properties
 NGUIToolbarPanelProvides the standard toolbar
 NGUIUndoTreePanelProvides a panel for displaying the undo tree
 NUINull User Interface (NUI)
 NamedTextArrayCreates or updates a named array with string data
 NetPRManRenderManEngineProvides render integration with networked PRMan,
 NewellGenerates Newell primitives using bicubic patches.
 NodeSelectionStores the document node selection state
 NullEmpty node
 NullOutputScriptScript node that executes whenever one of its inputs changes
 NurbsAddTrimCurveAdds a trimming curve to the selected patch
 NurbsCircleGenerates a NURBS circle
 NurbsCloseCurveConnects the 2 end points of the selected curve
 NurbsConeGenerates a NURBS cone
 NurbsConnectCurvesConnects a set of NURBS curves
 NurbsCreateCapCreates a NURBS surface filling out the selected closed curves
 NurbsCurveGenerates a NURBS curve
 NurbsCurveDegreeElevationTakes a curve of degree p and turns it into a curve with degree p+degree
 NurbsCurveInsertKnotInserts a new Knot with the specified u-value
 NurbsCurveTraversalCreates a NURBS surface while traversing one NURBS curve along another
 NurbsCylinderGenerates a NURBS cylinder
 NurbsDiskGenerates a NURBS disk
 NurbsEditCurveKnotVectorEdit the knot vector of a NURBS curve
 NurbsExtractCurvePointExtract the point at the given parameter value
 NurbsExtractPatchCurveExtract a curve from a patch at a given parameter in given direction
 NurbsExtractTrimCurvesExtracts patch trim curves as 3D NURBS curve approximations
 NurbsExtrudeCurveExtrudes the selected curve along a coordinate axis and lets you create caps if one of the curves is closed
 NurbsExtrudePatchExtrudes the selected patch along a coordinate axis
 NurbsFlipCurveFlips the order of the points for the selected curves
 NurbsGridGenerates a NURBS grid
 NurbsHyperboloidGenerates a NURBS hyperboloid
 NurbsMergeConnectedCurvesJoin selected curves with common endpoints into a single NURBS curve
 NurbsMergeCurveKnotVectorsInserts a new Knot with the specified u-value
 NurbsParaboloidGenerates a NURBS paraboloid
 NurbsPatchDegreeElevationElevates the selected patches in either u or v direction
 NurbsPatchInsertKnotAdds a new knot in either u or v direction to all selected patches
 NurbsPolygonGenerates a NURBS polygon
 NurbsPolygonizeCurveCreates a LinearCurve representation of the selected NURBS curve
 NurbsPolygonizePatchCreates a Polyhedron representation of the selected NURBS patch
 NurbsRevolveCurveTake a NURBS curve and rotate it around one of the coordinate system axis
 NurbsRuledSurfaceCreates a NURBS surface stretched between the 2 curves
 NurbsSetWeightSets the weight of the selected Control Points
 NurbsSkinnedSurfaceCreates a NURBS surface stretched along all selected curves
 NurbsSphereGenerates a NURBS sphere
 NurbsSplitCurveBreaks a NURBS curve at a given u value (0...1)
 NurbsSplitPatchSplits a patch at the selected u/v value
 NurbsSweepSurfaceCreate a Surface by traversing one curve along another and orienting it tangential to the traverse curve
 NurbsTorusGenerates a NURBS torus
 OBJMeshReaderMesh reader that loads external Wavefront (.obj) files into the document by reference
 OBJMeshWriterMesh writer that saves external Wavefront (.obj) files
 ODEPhysicalNodeRigid-body dynamics object.
 ODESimulationRigid-body dynamics simulation.
 OSMesaContextFactoryCreates OSMesa graphics contexts.
 OgreXmlMeshWriterMesh writer that saves external Ogre XML Mesh files
 OpenGLBezierTrianglePatchPainterRenders Bezier triangle patches
 OpenGLBicubicPatchPainterRenders bicubic patches
 OpenGLBilinearPatchPainterRenders bilinear patches
 OpenGLBlobbyPointPainterRenders blobby primitives using points and lines
 OpenGLColorFacePainterRenders mesh faces using a per-face color array
 OpenGLConePainterRenders cone primitives using OpenGL
 OpenGLCubicCurvePainterRenders cubic curves
 OpenGLCylinderPainterRenders cylinder primitives using OpoenGL
 OpenGLDiskPainterRenders disk primitives using OpenGL
 OpenGLEdgeNumberingPainterNumbers polyhedron edges
 OpenGLEdgePainterRenders mesh edges (OpenGL 1.1)
 OpenGLEngineOpenGL Render Engine
 OpenGLFaceNormalPainterRenders polyhedron face normal vectors
 OpenGLFaceNumberingPainterNumbers polyhedron faces
 OpenGLFaceOrientationPainterDraws arrows to show polyhedron face orientation
 OpenGLFacePainterRenders mesh faces, after trianglulating them (OpenGL 1.1)
 OpenGLHalfEdgePainterDraws arrows to show polyhedron half edge orientation
 OpenGLHyperboloidPainterRenders hyperboloid primitives using OpenGL
 OpenGLLinearCurvePainterRenders linear curves
 OpenGLMultiPainterDistributes rendering across multiple mesh painters
 OpenGLNURBSCurveNumberingPainterNumbers NURBS curves
 OpenGLNURBSCurvePainterRenders NURBS curves
 OpenGLNURBSPatchNumberingPainterNumbers NURBS patches
 OpenGLNURBSPatchPainterRenders NURBS patches
 OpenGLNormalArrayPainterVisualizes normal-vector arrays
 OpenGLPainterScriptScripted Mesh Painter
 OpenGLParaboloidPainterRenders paraboloid primitives using OpoenGL
 OpenGLPointNumberingPainterNumbers points
 OpenGLPointPainterRenders mesh points
 OpenGLRenderableScriptScriped node that can do arbitrary rendering using OpenGL.
 OpenGLSDSEdgePainterRenders mesh as SDS patch borders using OpenGL 1.1
 OpenGLSDSFacePainterRenders mesh as SDS faces using OpenGL 1.1
 OpenGLSDSPointPainterRenders mesh as SDS patch corners using OpenGL 1.1
 OpenGLSLPainterApplies an OpenGL shader to downstream painters
 OpenGLSpherePainterRenders sphere primitives using OpoenGL
 OpenGLTeapotPainterRenders teapot primitives using OpoenGL
 OpenGLTorusPainterRenders torus primitives using OpenGL
 OpenGLVaryingDataPainterPrints associated varying data near each edge, for debugging purposes
 OpenGLVersionCheckChecks OpenGL version and warns if it is known to contain bugs affecting K-3D
 OpenGLVertexDataPainterPrints vertex data near each corresponding vertex
 PLYMeshReaderMesh source that reads external Stanford PLY (.ply) files
 PLYMeshWriterMesh writer that saves external Stanford PLY (.ply) files
 PNGBitmapImporterPNG (*.png)
 PNGBitmapReaderLoads a PNG (*.png) bitmap from the filesystem
 PNGBitmapWriterBitmap writer that saves PNG (*.png) files
 POVManRenderManEngineProvides render integration with POVMan
 PRManRenderManEngineProvides render integration with PRMan,
 PapagayoLipsyncReaderLoad a papagayo lipsync (.dat) file and output its values given a time source
 PipelineProfilerRecords data profiling execution of the visualization pipeline
 PixieRaytraceMapDummy shadow map source for raytracing with Pixie
 PixieRenderManEngineProvides render integration with Pixie,
 PointsCentroidCalculates the average position (centroid) of the points, weighted by the selection value
 PointsToBlobbyConverts input points to an implicit surface composed of blobby ellipsoids
 PointsToParticlesConverts input geometric points into a single group of particles.
 PolyConeGenerates a polygonal cone with optional endcap
 PolyCubeGenerates a polygonal cube
 PolyCushionGenerates a polygonal cushion (a cube with rounded edges)
 PolyCylinderGenerates a polygonal cylinder with optional endcaps
 PolyDiskGenerates a polygonal disk
 PolyGridGenerates a polygonal grid
 PolyIcosahedronGenerates a polygonal sphere by recursive subdivision of an isocahedron
 PolySphereGenerates a polygonal sphere
 PolyTextGenerates polygonal text using Freetype 2
 PolyToBilinearConverts input quadrilaterals to bilinear patches.
 PolyTorusGenerates a polygonal torus
 PyUIPython User Interface (PyUI)
 PythonPython scripting engine
 QSlimSurface simplification using quadric error metrics
 QTUIAboutDialogDisplays the current K-3D version and credits contributors
 QTUIBooleanWidgetProvides a custom property widget for k3d::bool_t properties.
 QTUIColorWidgetProvides a custom property widget for k3d::color properties.
 QTUIDefaultModeProvides default behavior when no other mode is in-use.
 QTUIJavaScriptShellProvides an interactive JavaScript shell.
 QTUILogDisplays the contents of the K-3D log
 QTUIMatrixWidgetProvides a custom property widget for k3d::matrix4 properties.
 QTUINodeListPanelDisplays document nodes as a flat list.
 QTUINodePropertiesPanelDisplays document node properties.
 QTUIOpenGLWindowUsed to test OpenGL development.
 QTUIPathWidgetProvides a custom property widget for k3d::filesystem::path properties.
 QTUIProgrammableModeProvides an edit-mode with programmable behavior.
 QTUIStringWidgetProvides a custom property widget for k3d::string_t properties.
 QTUITextEditorProvides a general-purpose editor for editing source-code, text, scripts, and shaders.
 QtUIQt User Interface (QtUI)
 QuadricConeCreates a cone primitive
 QuadricCylinderCreates a cylinder primitive
 QuadricDiskCreates a disk primitive
 QuadricHyperboloidCreates a hyperboloid primitive
 QuadricLogoCreates the K-3D logo using quadric primitives.
 QuadricParaboloidCreates a paraboloid primitive
 QuadricSphereCreates a sphere primitive
 QuadricTorusCreates a torus primitive
 RealTimeSourceProvides a realtime time source for a K-3D document
 ReferenceImage2DDisplays a bitmap image in the background of the viewport.
 ReferenceImage3DDisplays a bitmap image on a resizable plane within the viewport.
 RenderDotCRenderManEngineProvides render integration with RenderDotC,
 RenderEngineScriptScript node that acts as a render engine
 RenderManAreaLightRenderMan area light source
 RenderManArray1DRenders a one-dimensional array of geometric object instances
 RenderManArray2DRenders a two-dimensional array of geometric object instances
 RenderManArray3DRenders a three-dimensional array of geometric object instances
 RenderManBackgroundPlanePlaces a shader on a bilinear patch, aligned with the farplane
 RenderManBicubicPatchPainterRenders bicubic patches
 RenderManBilinearPatchPainterRenders bilinear patches
 RenderManBlobbyPainterRenders blobbies (implicit surfaces)
 RenderManCSGOperatorCombines solids using boolean operators at render-time
 RenderManCSGSolidDesignates a solid volume at render-time
 RenderManConePainterRenders cone primitives
 RenderManCubicCurvePainterRenders cubic curves
 RenderManCylinderPainterRenders cylinder primitives
 RenderManDelayedReadArchiveInserts a RenderMan DelayedReadArchive call into rendered output
 RenderManDirectTextureMapLinks a RenderMan Texture Map directly to a file
 RenderManDiskPainterRenders disk primitives
 RenderManDisplacementShaderEncapsulates a RenderMan displacement shader instance
 RenderManEngineRenderMan Render Engine
 RenderManHyperboloidPainterRenders hyperboloid primitives
 RenderManImagerShaderEncapsulates a RenderMan imager shader instance
 RenderManLatLongEnvironmentMapConverts a bitmap into a RenderMan LatLong Environment Map
 RenderManLightRenderMan light source
 RenderManLightShaderEncapsulates a RenderMan light shader instance
 RenderManLinearCurvePainterRenders linear curves
 RenderManMaterialA RenderMan surface / displacement material
 RenderManMultiPainterDistributes rendering across multiple mesh painters
 RenderManNURBSPatchPainterRenders NURBS patches
 RenderManParaboloidPainterRenders paraboloid primitives
 RenderManParticlePainterRenders particle primitives.
 RenderManPolyhedronPainterRenders mesh polyhedra
 RenderManReadArchiveInserts a RenderMan ReadArchive call into rendered output
 RenderManScriptCreates RenderMan output under script control
 RenderManScriptedPainterUses a script to render meshes
 RenderManShadowMapA shadow_map source within the 3D workspace
 RenderManSpherePainterRenders sphere primitives
 RenderManSubdivisionSurfacePainterRenders mesh subdivision surfaces
 RenderManSurfaceShaderEncapsulates a RenderMan surface shader instance
 RenderManTeapotPainterRenders teapot primitives
 RenderManTextureMapConverts a bitmap into a RenderMan Texture Map
 RenderManTorusPainterRenders torus primitives
 RenderManVolumeShaderEncapsulates a RenderMan volume shader instance
 RotatePointsRotates mesh points
 RubberBandDisplays a rubber-band box in the viewport.
 SDSCornerAdds variable-sharpness corners to SDS surfaces
 SDSCreaseAdds variable-sharpness creases to SDS surfaces
 SDSHoleInserts holes into a subdivision surface mesh
 STLMeshReaderMesh reader that loads external Wavefront (.stl) files into the document by reference
 STLMeshWriterMesh writer that saves external Stereo Triangulation Lithograph (.stl) files
 SVGMeshReaderReader that loads external Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg) files into the document by reference
 ScalePointsScales mesh points
 SelectBicubicPatchByNumberSelects a bicubic patch from the input mesh by its index number
 SelectBilinearPatchByNumberSelects a bilinear patch from the input mesh by its index number
 SelectBoundaryEdgesSelects edges that are on the boundary of the mesh
 SelectClockwiseSelect the clockwise edge of an edge. If multiple edges are selected the first one in the list is selected and all others are deselected
 SelectCompanionSelect the companion of an edge. If multiple edges are selected the first one in the list is selected and all others are deselected
 SelectConnectedComponentsSelect all components that are directly or indirectly connected to the selected component
 SelectCubeSelects portions of the input mesh that intersect a cube
 SelectCubicCurveByNumberSelects a cubic curve from based on its index number.
 SelectDegenerateFacesSelects all faces with a zero-length normal
 SelectEdgeByNumberSelects an edge from the input mesh by its index number
 SelectEdgeLoopsSelects edge loops containing selected egdes
 SelectEdgeRingsSelects edge rings containing selected egdes
 SelectFaceByNumberSelects a face from the input mesh by its index number
 SelectLinearCurveByNumberSelects a linear curve from the input mesh by its index number
 SelectNSidedSelects points or faces that have numbers of sides within a specified range
 SelectNurbsCurveByNumberSelects a NURBS curve from the input mesh by its index number
 SelectNurbsPatchByNumberSelects a NURBS patch from the input mesh by its index number
 SelectPointByNumberSelects a point from the input mesh by its index number
 SelectedFacesToPolyhedronOutputs all selected faces to a single polyhedron.
 SelectionToStdoutPrints selection information to stdout
 SetColorSets geometry color
 SetMaterialSets geometry materials
 ShearPointsShears mesh points along an axis
 SmoothPointsSmooths mesh points by averaging their positions with their neighbors'
 SnapSnaps one node to another
 SolarPositionCalculates the position of the Sun based on observer position, date, and time.
 SphereizePointsConstrains points to the surface of a sphere
 StringSourceScriptString source that uses a script to create the output value
 StringToStdoutPrints an input string value to stdout
 SubdivideEdgesSubdivides selected edges by adding points.
 SubdivideFacesSubdivides faces by creating new center / midpoints.
 SurfacePlotCreates a 3D surface plot.
 TIFFBitmapExporterTIFF (*.tiff)
 TIFFBitmapImporterTIFF (*.tiff)
 TIFFBitmapReaderLoads a TIFF (*.tif) bitmap from the filesystem
 TIFFBitmapWriterBitmap writer that saves TIFF (*.tiff) files
 TaperPointsTapers mesh points along an axis
 TeapotCreates a classic teapot primitive
 TimeSourceProvides a time source for a K-3D document
 TimeToStringConverts a scalar to a string using strftime()-style formatting
 TransformPointsTransform mesh points using input matrix
 TranslatePointsTranslates mesh points
 TriangulateFacesConverts input faces into triangles
 TweakPointsSets the point positions at the given indices
 TwistPointsTwists mesh points along an axis
 UniformPolyhedronGenerates a uniform polyhedron
 ValidMeshesTests to see that every every primitive and mesh in a collection of meshes can be validated.
 Vector3SourceScriptVector3 source that uses a script to create the output value
 VirtualOpenGLEdgePainterRenders mesh edges
 VirtualOpenGLFacePainterRenders mesh faces
 VirtualOpenGLPointPainterRenders mesh points
 VirtualOpenGLSDSEdgePainterRenders mesh subdivision surface edges
 VirtualOpenGLSDSFacePainterRenders mesh subdivision surface faces
 VirtualOpenGLSDSPointPainterRenders mesh subdivision surface points
 WelcomeWelcomes users running K-3D for the first time.
 WeldPointsEliminates points with duplicate 3D coordinates
 XTrackCADDocumentImporterXTrackCAD Tracks File ( .xtc )
 YafrayAreaLightYafray Area Light
 YafrayEngineYafray Render Engine
 YafrayGlobalPhotonLightYafray Global Photon Light
 YafrayHemiLightYafray Hemi Light
 YafrayMaterialYafray Material
 YafrayPhotonLightYafray Photon Light
 YafrayPointLightYafray Point Light
 YafraySoftLightYafray Soft Light
 YafraySpotLightYafray Spot Light
 YafraySunLightYafray Sun Light
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