Command Line Options

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Because K-3D supports user interface "plugins", there are two sets of command-line options that you can use at any given time - options supported by the K-3D application itself, and options supported by whichever user interface plugin you've selected.

Application Options

The following options are always available when running K-3D, regardless of the choice of user interface plugin:

--add-path arg

Prepends a path to the PATH environment variable at runtime. Intended mainly for use by the regression test system.


Color-codes log messages based on their level. Requires an ANSI color-capable terminal.

--disable-gl-extension arg

Disables the given OpenGL extension, regardless of whether it is supported by drivers. Ex:
$ k3d --disable-gl-extension=GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object

--enable-gl-extension arg

Enables the given OpenGL extension, regardless of whether it is supported by drivers. Ex:
$ k3d --enable-gl-extension=GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object


Exits the program (useful after running scripts in batch mode).

-h [ --help ]

Prints this help message and exits.

--locale arg

Overrides the path for loading locales.

--log-level arg

Specifies the minimum message priority to log - valid values are "warning", "information", "debug" [default: warning].

--options arg

Overrides the filepath for storing user options [default: ~/.k3d/options.k3d].

--plugins arg

Overrides the path(s) for loading plugin libraries.

--script arg

Play the given script after startup (use - for stdin).

--setenv arg

Set an environment variable using name=value syntax.

--shadercache arg

Overrides the path for storing compiled shaders [default: ~/.k3d/shadercache].

--share arg

Overrides the path for loading shared data files.


Prints the process name next to log messages.


Prints timestamps next to log messages.


Logs messages to syslog.

-u [ --ui ] arg

Specifies the user interface plugin to use.

-H [ --user-interface-help ]

Prints user interface help message and exits.


Prints program version information and exits.

NGUI User Interface Options

The following options are available when running the standard (NGUI) user interface plugin:


Operate in batch (no user intervention) mode. This is useful when running tutorials from the command-line as automated regression tests, so they don't block waiting for user input.

-n [ --new ]

Create a new document.


Disable custom user interface layouts (useful when playing-back recorded tutorials, so the user's custom layout doesn't interfere with playback).


Disables the startup splash screen.

-o [ --open ] arg

Open an existing document.


Immediately opens the tutorial recorder following startup.


Immediately opens the tutorial menu following startup.

--tutorials arg

Overrides the path for loading interactive tutorials.

Environment Variables


Contains extra options that will be appended to the user's command-line. Note that unlike all other K-3D environment variables, K3D_EXTRA_OPTIONS supplements command-line options, rather then being overridden by them. It is typically used to pass command-line arguments when running the program from the source tree, e.g:
$ K3D_EXTRA_OPTIONS="--help" make run


Overrides the path from which native language catalogs are retrieved (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --locale option, above).


Overrides the path for storing user options (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --options option, above).


Overrides the path(s) for loading plugin libraries (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --plugins option, above). Multiple colon-delimited paths are allowed. Use "&" as a synonym for the default paths.


Overrides the path where compiled shaders are cached (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --shadercache option, above).


Overrides the path for loading shared data files (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --share option, above).


Overrides the path to the user interface plugin (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --ui option, above).
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