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Apply the Kill Edge And Vertex (KEV) Euler operation to the selected edges
Plugin Status:Experimental
Categories:All Plugins, Experimental Plugins, Mesh Plugins


Name Value


Label Description Type Script Name
Input Mesh Input mesh k3d::mesh* input_mesh
Output Mesh Output mesh k3d::mesh* output_mesh
Mesh Selection Input Mesh Selection k3d::selection::set mesh_selection


The Euler operation Kill Edge And Vertex (KEV) removes the selected edges and their edge points. Also see Euler Operations for an overview of all available Euler operations. In the example below, edge 15 is selected, which results in the removal of point 7 and edges 15 and 9. Edges that had point 7 as vertex are now using the vertex of the clockwise edge of edge 15.

Input mesh

Output Selection

The output selection consists of all faces that had edges with changed vertices.