Experimental Plugins

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 3DSMeshReaderMesh reader that loads external 3ds (.3ds) files into the document by reference
 AddColorAttributeAdds a color attribute to a mesh component, primarily for testing purposes.
 AddColorAttributesAdds an color attribute to every table in a mesh, primarily for testing purposes.
 AddIndexAttributesAdds an integer 'index' attribute to every table in a mesh, primarily for testing purposes.
 AddPointAttributesCopies point coordinates to the relevant attribute tables in a mesh, primarily for testing purposes.
 AnimationTrackDoubleDoubleStores a series of keyframes for an animation, using 'double' as time and value
 AnimationTrackDoubleMatrix4Stores a series of keyframes for an animation, using 'double' as time type and 'matrix4' as value
 BevelPointsBevels a surface at each selected point
 BicubicToPolyPolygonizes bicubic patches
 BitmapPerceptualDifferenceCalculate a perceptual difference metric between two bitmap images
 CGALBoolean3D mesh boolean operations
 CatmullClarkGenerates a Catmull-Clark subdivision mesh
 ClothSimulationCloth simulation (currently for grids only)
 DissolveFacesMerges adjacent faces into a single large face.
 IndigoBackgroundIndigo Background
 IndigoDiffuseMaterialIndigo Diffuse Material
 IndigoEngineIndigo Render Engine
 IndigoRectangleLightIndigo Rectangle Light
 IndigoSkylightIndigo Skylight
 InterpolatorDoubleDoubleLinearLinearly interpolates double values to a double time source
 InterpolatorDoubleMatrix4LinearLinearly interpolates matrix4 values to a double time source
 LSystemParserGenerates an L-System object from a configuration file
 LeastSquaresPlotAproximates points with a surface given a set of equations.
 LuxRenderBilinearInterpolationTextureLuxRender Bilinear Interpolation Texture
 LuxRenderCarpaintMaterialLuxRender Carpaint Material
 LuxRenderDistantLightLuxRender Distant Light
 LuxRenderEngineLuxRender Render Engine
 LuxRenderEnvironmentLightLuxRender EnvironmentLight
 LuxRenderGlassMaterialLuxRender Glass Material
 LuxRenderGlossyMaterialLuxRender Glossy Material
 LuxRenderGoniometricLightLuxRender Goniometric Light
 LuxRenderImageTextureLuxRender Image Texture
 LuxRenderMatteMaterialLuxRender Matte Material
 LuxRenderMatteTranslucentMaterialLuxRender Matte Translucent Material
 LuxRenderMetalMaterialLuxRender Metal Material
 LuxRenderMirrorMaterialLuxRender Mirror Material
 LuxRenderMixMaterialLuxRender Mix Material
 LuxRenderNullMaterialLuxRender Null Material
 LuxRenderPointLightLuxRender Point Light
 LuxRenderRoughGlassMaterialLuxRender Rough Glass Material
 LuxRenderScalarImageTextureLuxRender Scalar Image Texture
 LuxRenderShinyMetalMaterialLuxRender Shiny Metal Material
 LuxRenderSkyLightLuxRender SkyLight
 LuxRenderSunLightLuxRender SunLight
 MD2MeshReaderReader that loads external MD2 (.md2) files into the document by reference
 MatrixInverseComputes the inverse of a matrix.
 MergeCollinearEdgesMerges edges that are collinear, up to a threshold
 MergeCoplanarFacesMerges faces that are coplanar, up to a given threshold
 MeshToStdoutPrints mesh information to stdout
 MorphPointsApplies morph to different targets, interpolating between target and source position
 NGUIAnimationTimelinePanelProvides a panel for manipulating the current animation time
 NGUIKnotVectorControlProvides a custom property control for NURBS knot vectors.
 NGUIMorphPointsPageProvides a custom property page for the MorphPoints modifier.
 NGUISnapToolProvides interactive controls for 'snapping' nodes.
 NGUIToolPropertiesPanelDisplays tool properties
 NamedTextArrayCreates or updates a named array with string data
 NurbsAddTrimCurveAdds a trimming curve to the selected patch
 NurbsCloseCurveConnects the 2 end points of the selected curve
 NurbsConnectCurvesConnects a set of NURBS curves
 NurbsCreateCapCreates a NURBS surface filling out the selected closed curves
 NurbsCurveGenerates a NURBS curve
 NurbsCurveDegreeElevationTakes a curve of degree p and turns it into a curve with degree p+degree
 NurbsCurveInsertKnotInserts a new Knot with the specified u-value
 NurbsCurveTraversalCreates a NURBS surface while traversing one NURBS curve along another
 NurbsEditCurveKnotVectorEdit the knot vector of a NURBS curve
 NurbsExtractCurvePointExtract the point at the given parameter value
 NurbsExtractPatchCurveExtract a curve from a patch at a given parameter in given direction
 NurbsExtractTrimCurvesExtracts patch trim curves as 3D NURBS curve approximations
 NurbsExtrudeCurveExtrudes the selected curve along a coordinate axis and lets you create caps if one of the curves is closed
 NurbsExtrudePatchExtrudes the selected patch along a coordinate axis
 NurbsFlipCurveFlips the order of the points for the selected curves
 NurbsMergeConnectedCurvesJoin selected curves with common endpoints into a single NURBS curve
 NurbsMergeCurveKnotVectorsInserts a new Knot with the specified u-value
 NurbsPatchDegreeElevationElevates the selected patches in either u or v direction
 NurbsPatchInsertKnotAdds a new knot in either u or v direction to all selected patches
 NurbsPolygonizeCurveCreates a LinearCurve representation of the selected NURBS curve
 NurbsPolygonizePatchCreates a Polyhedron representation of the selected NURBS patch
 NurbsRevolveCurveTake a NURBS curve and rotate it around one of the coordinate system axis
 NurbsRuledSurfaceCreates a NURBS surface stretched between the 2 curves
 NurbsSetWeightSets the weight of the selected Control Points
 NurbsSkinnedSurfaceCreates a NURBS surface stretched along all selected curves
 NurbsSplitCurveBreaks a NURBS curve at a given u value (0...1)
 NurbsSplitPatchSplits a patch at the selected u/v value
 NurbsSweepSurfaceCreate a Surface by traversing one curve along another and orienting it tangential to the traverse curve
 ODEPhysicalNodeRigid-body dynamics object.
 ODESimulationRigid-body dynamics simulation.
 OSMesaContextFactoryCreates OSMesa graphics contexts.
 OgreXmlMeshWriterMesh writer that saves external Ogre XML Mesh files
 OpenGLColorFacePainterRenders mesh faces using a per-face color array
 OpenGLFaceNormalPainterRenders polyhedron face normal vectors
 OpenGLHalfEdgePainterDraws arrows to show polyhedron half edge orientation
 OpenGLNormalArrayPainterVisualizes normal-vector arrays
 OpenGLSDSEdgePainterRenders mesh as SDS patch borders using OpenGL 1.1
 OpenGLSDSFacePainterRenders mesh as SDS faces using OpenGL 1.1
 OpenGLSDSPointPainterRenders mesh as SDS patch corners using OpenGL 1.1
 OpenGLSLPainterApplies an OpenGL shader to downstream painters
 OpenGLVaryingDataPainterPrints associated varying data near each edge, for debugging purposes
 OpenGLVertexDataPainterPrints vertex data near each corresponding vertex
 PapagayoLipsyncReaderLoad a papagayo lipsync (.dat) file and output its values given a time source
 PipelineProfilerRecords data profiling execution of the visualization pipeline
 PointsCentroidCalculates the average position (centroid) of the points, weighted by the selection value
 QSlimSurface simplification using quadric error metrics
 QTUIAboutDialogDisplays the current K-3D version and credits contributors
 QTUIBooleanWidgetProvides a custom property widget for k3d::bool_t properties.
 QTUIColorWidgetProvides a custom property widget for k3d::color properties.
 QTUIDefaultModeProvides default behavior when no other mode is in-use.
 QTUIJavaScriptShellProvides an interactive JavaScript shell.
 QTUILogDisplays the contents of the K-3D log
 QTUIMatrixWidgetProvides a custom property widget for k3d::matrix4 properties.
 QTUINodeListPanelDisplays document nodes as a flat list.
 QTUINodePropertiesPanelDisplays document node properties.
 QTUIOpenGLWindowUsed to test OpenGL development.
 QTUIPathWidgetProvides a custom property widget for k3d::filesystem::path properties.
 QTUIProgrammableModeProvides an edit-mode with programmable behavior.
 QTUIStringWidgetProvides a custom property widget for k3d::string_t properties.
 QTUITextEditorProvides a general-purpose editor for editing source-code, text, scripts, and shaders.
 RenderManAreaLightRenderMan area light source
 SVGMeshReaderReader that loads external Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg) files into the document by reference
 SelectClockwiseSelect the clockwise edge of an edge. If multiple edges are selected the first one in the list is selected and all others are deselected
 SelectCompanionSelect the companion of an edge. If multiple edges are selected the first one in the list is selected and all others are deselected
 SelectDegenerateFacesSelects all faces with a zero-length normal
 SelectedFacesToPolyhedronOutputs all selected faces to a single polyhedron.
 SelectionToStdoutPrints selection information to stdout
 SetColorSets geometry color
 SnapSnaps one node to another
 SolarPositionCalculates the position of the Sun based on observer position, date, and time.
 StringToStdoutPrints an input string value to stdout
 SubdivideEdgesSubdivides selected edges by adding points.
 UniformPolyhedronGenerates a uniform polyhedron
 ValidMeshesTests to see that every every primitive and mesh in a collection of meshes can be validated.
 XTrackCADDocumentImporterXTrackCAD Tracks File ( .xtc )
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