Selection Plugins

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 FaceToPointSelectionsSelects the points belonging to selected faces
 GrowSelectionGrows the selection to include adjacent vertices, edges and faces
 MakeCurveSelectionConverts primitive selections to curve selections.
 MakeEdgeSelectionConverts primitive selections to edge selections.
 MakeFaceSelectionConverts primitive selections to face selections.
 MakePatchSelectionConverts point selections to patch selections.
 MakePointSelectionConverts primitive selections to point selections.
 MeshSelectionApplies a selection to a mesh.
 NodeSelectionStores the document node selection state
 SelectBicubicPatchByNumberSelects a bicubic patch from the input mesh by its index number
 SelectBilinearPatchByNumberSelects a bilinear patch from the input mesh by its index number
 SelectBoundaryEdgesSelects edges that are on the boundary of the mesh
 SelectClockwiseSelect the clockwise edge of an edge. If multiple edges are selected the first one in the list is selected and all others are deselected
 SelectCompanionSelect the companion of an edge. If multiple edges are selected the first one in the list is selected and all others are deselected
 SelectConnectedComponentsSelect all components that are directly or indirectly connected to the selected component
 SelectCubeSelects portions of the input mesh that intersect a cube
 SelectCubicCurveByNumberSelects a cubic curve from based on its index number.
 SelectDegenerateFacesSelects all faces with a zero-length normal
 SelectEdgeByNumberSelects an edge from the input mesh by its index number
 SelectEdgeLoopsSelects edge loops containing selected egdes
 SelectEdgeRingsSelects edge rings containing selected egdes
 SelectFaceByNumberSelects a face from the input mesh by its index number
 SelectLinearCurveByNumberSelects a linear curve from the input mesh by its index number
 SelectNSidedSelects points or faces that have numbers of sides within a specified range
 SelectNurbsCurveByNumberSelects a NURBS curve from the input mesh by its index number
 SelectNurbsPatchByNumberSelects a NURBS patch from the input mesh by its index number
 SelectPointByNumberSelects a point from the input mesh by its index number