User:JoaquinDuo/Fix aqsis-libsc2a

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.deb Package

The problem about aqsis is that the aqsis-libc2a has broken dependencies.
I uploaded a fixed aqsis-libsc2a debian package to download and install.

Install in from your file browser (double click) or from the command line:

sudo dpkg -i aqsis-libsc2a_1.2.0-2_i386.openexr_fixed.deb

After you may install aqsis from a package manager o from the command line

sudo apt-get install aqsis


Also i created a script for fixing this problem based on the steps on this site:

Downloading the script

I made a gzip version in case you have problems with your browser.

Running the script

In case you downloaded the gzip file open a terminal and do:


After that in both cases do


This will install aqsis. (may prompt for your password twice) After that it will leave two .deb files, one fixed and another unfixed. In case you want to share them.